About Us:
Universal Teachers Academy (UTA) is a non-profit organization run by teachers of India. It was established during the year 2009 under the Societies' Registration Act (Act XXI of 1860) Regd. No: 377/2009. The headquarter, being located in Pondicherry, Union Territory, has initiated around 6 chapters across the Nation. Around 600 teachers from various parts of India have become members of this organization. UTA conducts various training programmes such as Workshops, Orientation programmes and Refresher Courses for school teachers to enhance their professional skills through ICT mode on free of charge, with a view to achieving 21st Century Skills to cope up with modern trend.
To set a platform where every teacher can develop his/her professional skills, in order to provide quality education and lifelong learning to the children.
UTA endeavors to unleash the potential of teachers and students to succeed in academic life by enhancing professional development. It deliberates solutions to the educational and pedagogic challenges faced by the teachers in the Indian classrooms and it involves in the complex task of improving effectiveness in teaching, learning process and assessment process as well. Our aim is to achieve the mission in 4 goal areas:
- Teachers’ Professional Development
- Teaching Learning Process
- Developing 21st Century skills of Students
- Enhancing Co-scholastic areas
What we do?
- Train teachers/educators to enhance professional development.
- Train teachers to do researches and to present in National/International Seminars / Conference.
- Developing ICT Skills of teachers and integration of ICT in pedagogy.
- Develop 21st Century skills among the school teachers and students.
- Enhance students’ academic performance in State and National Survey
- Efforts to generate financial resources to sustain the activities.
Philosophy and Policies:
- Holistic views in the objectives and vision of the organization
- Develop subject proficiency and professional competency among the teachers
- Commitment to working according to educational policies and guidelines
- Achieving organizational goals through teacher development process
- Using the expertise of the eminent bodies to achieve the objectives of the UTA.
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